Anderton St Joseph's        

12th MAY 2024 
Pentecost Novena to the Holy Spirit began on Friday 10th May
 Sat. 11th
17.00 Vigil Mass at St Mary’s Chorley 
10.00 Mass at St Mary’s Chorley
11.30 Mass – Jane Gilbertson (LD) 

11.00 Funeral Mass – Sylvia Margaret Walsh 
followed by cremation at Charnock Richard 
 Tues 14th St Matthias, Apostle 
10.00 Bernard Swarbrick (A) 
Perpetual Succour Novena 
 Wed 15th Our Lady of Fatima
 Thurs 16th
 Fri 17th
10.00 Mass – Philip Rawcliffe (A)
 Sat. 18th St John I. Pope and Martyr 

17.00 Vigil Mass at St Mary’s Chorley 
 Sun 19th PENTECOST SUNDAY (p.286)
10.00 Mass at St Mary’s Chorley
11.30 Mass – Dorothy Crook 

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK AND THE HOUSEBOUND: Joan Bailey, Francis Brennan, Anne Byrne, Mary Patricia Case, Gerard Clarke, Leo Duffy, Clare Edwards, John Fearnhead, Pat Font, Tom Fraser, William Freeman, Bob Goulding, Rosemary Hough, Veronica Hughes, Cathy Hull, Mary Johnston, Archbishop Emeritus Patrick Kelly, John Kerfoot, Bill King, Emma King, Val McGlade, Janet McGowan, Fintan McPeake, Fr Laurence Mayne, Ellen Morris, Irene O'Neil, Heidi O’Neill, Barrie Swift, 
Jean White, Betty Wignall, all at Grove House & Marley Court. 

RECENTLY DECEASED: Sylvia Margaret Walsh (82) of Grove House died on 24th April. Her Funeral Mass is at 11.00 on Monday 13th May followed by cremation at Charnock Richard. May she rest in peace. 

ANNIVERSARIES: Dorothy Crook (8th May) Bernard Swarbrick (14th May), Anthony Foster, Philip Rawcliffe (17th May) 

RETIRING COLLECTIONS: 12th May – SVP; 19th May - World Communications Day

BAPTISM DATES: 26 May, 30 June, 28 July, 25 August, 29 September 

FOUR PRIESTLY ORDINATIONS will take place in the Metropolitan Cathedral on Saturday 13th July at 12.00 noon. One of the four deacons to be ordained priest is Martin Fyles, who was with us as a student for a summer placement a few years ago. Please keep him in your prayers as he prepares for ordination.

CAFOD Crisis Appeal for Sudan
CAFOD has launched an emergency appeal to support families in Sudan, as Sudan is in the grip of the world’s worst hunger and displacement crisis.
Jo Kitterick, CAFOD’s director of participation, said: “Many aid agencies exited Sudan when the current fighting erupted a year ago. Right now Catholic agencies in the Caritas network that CAFOD is part of, supported by the Church of Sudan, are some of the only organisations able to deliver aid to support the Sudanese people."
Donations made to CAFOD's Sudan crisis appeal – whether online or via collections in parishes this weekend – will go towards supporting families in Sudan and surrounding countries, who are already contending with extreme hunger, as communities strive to stop the crisis from becoming the worst in living memory. Donations can be made at . There is also a poster attached for you to share and display in your parish.

PENTECOST NOVENA: A Novena is nine days of prayer that usually encourages us to pray for a particular intention as we prepare 
for a feast day. Praying for an intention, particularly praying for other people, is known as the prayer of intercession. It is a form of 
prayer that takes us beyond ourselves as we ask our loving Father to bless someone else.
‘We can say that God’s heart is touched by our intercession, yet in reality He is always there first. What our intercession achieves is 
that his power, his love and his faithfulness are shown ever more clearly in the midst of the people.’ (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium 283)
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the gift of the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Holy Spirit, Lord of Light, 
From Thy clear celestial height,
Thy pure beaming radiance give:
Come, Thou Father of the poor!
Come, with treasures which endure!
Come, Thou Light of all that live!
2 Thou, of all consolers best,
Thou, the soul’s most welcome guest
Dost refreshing peace bestow;
Thou in toil art comfort sweet,
Pleasant coolness in the heat,
Solace in the midst of woe.
3 Light immortal! Light divine!
Visit Thou these hearts of Thine,
And our inmost being fill;
Where Thou art not, man hath naught,
Nothing good in deed or thought,
Nothing free from taint of ill.

MEETING FOR CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES FROM THE PARISH: will take place on Tuesday 28th May at 16.00-16.45, to run through the arrangements for the Confirmation Mass and answer any questions the youngsters may have.

CHORLEY AND PRESTON HOSPITALS: Please contact St Joseph's Chorley (262713) if any member of your family is admitted into Chorley Hospital and needs a visit. In urgent situations or emergency please ask the ward staff to call the duty Chaplain on his bleep/phone. For the chaplaincy at Royal Preston Hospital please ring 01772 522435. For the chaplaincy service at Wigan Infirmary T. 01942 822324. 

During the Great Irish Famine (1845–1852) the Catholic population of Liverpool inceased dramatically. About half a million Irish, who were predominantly Catholic, fled to England to escape the famine; many embarked from Liverpool to travel to North America while others remained in the city Because of the increase in the Catholic population, 
the co-adjutor Bishop of Liverpool, Alexander Goss (1814–1872), saw the need for a cathedral. The location he chose was the grounds of St. Edward's College on St. Domingo Road, Everton. 
The first Catholic Cathedral in Liverpool was designed in 1853 by Edward Welby Pugin. By 1856 the Lady Chapel had been completed, but the rest was never built. The Chapel served as the church for a local parish, Our Lady Immaculate, St Domingo Road, until it was demolished in the 1980s.
66 years after the completion of the Lady's Chapel, the idea of a Catholic Cathedral for Liverpool was again raised. A site was chosen and Sir Edward Lutyens was hired as architect. The foundation stone was laid on Monday 5th June 1933.
Lutyens' Cathedral was to have been huge. It featured a dome 51m (168ft) in diameter with an internal height of 91m (300ft). The total height was to have been 158m (520ft), even greater than the 101m (331ft) tall Liverpool Cathedral, rising at that time at the opposite end of Hope Street.
Construction work continued during the 1940s, but the cost rose to an incredible £27m and the project was abandoned. The project was rethought, with a budget of £4m but retaining the essence of a domed design.
A design by Sir Frederick Gibberd was chosen from an international competition, and the foundation stone was laid in October 1962. The Metropolitan Cathedral was consecrated 5 years later; 114 years after work began on Liverpool's first Catholic Cathedral.The requirement was first, seating for a congregation of 3,000 (later reduced to 2,000) all with direct line of sight to the altar, so they could be more involved in the 
celebration of the Mass; and, second, for the existing Lutyens crypt to be incorporated in the structure. Gibberd achieved these requirements by designing a circular building with the altar at its centre, and by transforming the roof of the crypt into an elevated platform, with the cathedral standing at one end.[19] The construction contract was let 
to Taylor Woodrow. 

Parish Priest: Fr Francis Marsden
Secretary: Mr Frank Webster 
Parish Office: St Joseph’s Presbytery, 28 Bolton Road, Adlington, Chorley PR6 9NA
Wednesdays 10.00-13.00
Tel: 01257- 480237 or 01257- 262537 (St Mary’s Chorley)
Parish Website:
ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL Registered Charity No. 1199714

